Need Script for Local Admin Accounts

I need a script that will allow me to do the following to a local admin account.

  1. Enable the Local Admin Account
  2. Change the Local Admin Accounts Password
  3. Change the username of the Local Admin Account

There are some similar scripts on C1 but they either don’t reset the password or they also enable RDP, which I don’t want.

EDIT: I found the built-in script “Manage user accounts in the endpoint using procedure” which does pretty much everything I want to do, except it does not have the option to unlock accounts. It would be awesome if Comodo could add that to the script.

Hai @rawtech ,

Thanks for contacting our team had started working on your requested script,We will update you once its completed.

Thank You

Hai @rawtech ,

We have updated the script as per your request and added an option to unlock accounts please refer the following link for the script .

Please Provide Your feedback

Thank You