Network Assessment Tool help

I would really love to use the Network Assessment Tool but everytime I do it doesn’t work properly. I tried running it on my company’s network before using it for clients and it only returns with the workstation that I am currently on. I set the range of IP’s we use and credentials for the scan but it doesn’t work. Please let me know what I’m doing wrong or if there is a problem with the tool.

Hi @jtlogic
Can you check the configuration if the NMAP option is enabled. NAT requires NMAP installed on the same computer to discover the endpoints/IP addresses covered by the network. Upon every scan execution, NAT checks for the NMAP installation. If NMAP is installed on its default location (C:Program FilesNmap), NAT can identify the application. If NMAP is installed on a different location, you need to manually specify the installation location of NMAP. For more details please click this link:

Check Firewall settings, I had that problem, and it was a corrupt firewall from a previous vendor. Can you ping other workstations on the network??

Disabled firewalls, checked sonicwall settings, checked nmap settings, running new scan now fingers crossed

Nope, same result, only shows the workstation I am using and running the network assessment tool on. I have checked my sonicwall/firewall settings. I have put the correct IP range and credentials for the machines. I have enabled the NMAP and put the correct location for it to work. I can ping other workstations on my network and map drives from them. I uninstalled and reinstalled NAT about 3 times and double checked every settings I could possibly think of. Help!

@jtlogic the scanning tool isnt great. I tried it and got it to scan a single subnet in a test environment. It missed off a significant amount of information and the report produced in the end was useless. NMAP and MS tool kits were all installed and correctly detected.

Hi @jtlogic @Joners

We understand that you are thoroughly examining the ADDT software and would like it to produce results. We will have our back end team reach you via email to investigate and resolve this issue.

No need to email me, just fix the tool, obviously its not working since even Joners cannot get it to work

Has there been any progress on this?

@Linux8114 We’ll check if there’s an update from our back end team.

I would also like to report on the “uselessness” of this tool. It actually looks like an extremely stripped down version of RapidFire Tools. On the rare occasion I can get it to work, the amount of information in the reports is nothing like advertised. Hasn’t been updated since 3/29/2016. No work is being done on it. I was very excited about this tool for onboarding clients. Is there any work being done on this tool?

As it definitely appears to be a stripped down/customized version of RapidFire Tools, I would love to see full usage of the tool’s capabilities. Rather than retype it all here, I will link to their site for what the full tool can report. I would love to see these reports for the Comodo version

Any update on this assessment tool yet? Would love to use it for on boarding as well.

how would you use it for onboarding?
could you please explain in detail.

I know for me, any client that I bring on any Managed service needs to have a network assessment done. This checks what they have for hardware, software, and the very important part of health. Knowing what your walking into. It also allows you to sell other services. If the tool can detect storage usage across devices and calculate estimated bandwidth/storage needed for backup (the RapidFire tool does this), then it can be a driver for cloud backup. Same for AV…etc.

I could see this tool being combined with the unknown file hunter added as one of its scans. The more information the assessment can provide, the easier it is to both sell and on-board clients. If we are going into really wishful thinking, it could have a function that exports found inventory and/or users into ITSM for quick setup of accounts. But primarily I see this more as a tool to get new clients by providing them a detailed report of the health of the network (not just AV) and then we can match services to where they have deficiencies.

Currently I use a combination of tools and scripts to get the information I need. But if there was one do-it-all tool, it would save alot of time. Especially with custom reports.

@eztech ,

We appreciate you sharing your ideas with us. We will add this description to the request so that our Product Development team can grasp the full idea of the usage of the tool. We’ll be glad to send any updates to who shared thoughts in making this to fruition.

End of March 2018 and still not working. How many people make up the Product Development Team ? 2. Sorry just fustrated

Hello @scallycomputechs
Our product management team is aware of the request for NAT improvements and is working to prioritize it with the others requests. We will notify you through email of any updates regarding this request and its release schedule once it is prioritized on the product roadmap. We looped you in to the feature request ticket and please do reply at your convenience to the support ticket we sent to you.

I would like to support @eztech 's point of view as I intrinsically feel the same way about the value of this kind of tool and reporting system. . aside from the time saved with documentation and serving as a visual reference point, it’s often a potential client/client does not have a complete or near complete understanding of what they have in place and how it’s configured, etc. Each environment is a product of its evolution over time which is constantly growing/shrinking - breathing, etc and it’s a nightmare to keep up with it manually (the way we should be keeping up with). Especially if it can run during a meet and greet, on the spot upselling / identifying low hanging fruit within minutes. A tool like this, especially interfacing with Comodo1’s ecosystem would give a tremendous edge on many levels- including value added. These reports could potentially be used in proving compliance as we see more legal restrictions and guidelines put into place. . . Perhaps data can be compared/analyzed from frequent reporting to also help diagnose and expose suspicious/intrusion activity… I would recommend having 2 levels of assessments though-- one being as non-intrusive as possible requiring minimal conditions to run if any at all, and obviously the deeper scanning for current clients or new ones specifically requesting vulnerability testing…

We will add your valuable observation/opinion to the feature request ticket. We will also loop you in to the ticket so that we can inform you of any important updates about it.