New Feature - Third Party API plugins


I would like to request a feature that will enable the service desk component to talk to third party billing systems via common protocols (such as REST API) in order to pull and push limited information in and out of Service Desk.

For Example, we have a proprietary ERP system that does our backend financials. What we want to be able to do is the following:

  1. Push our clients information that we have earmarked with a support plan into Comodo Service Desk (or Comodo One)

  2. Pull notifications against our customers as soon as they have submitted a ticket.

  3. Pull notifications against our customers when a ticket is closed, a summary of the last response and the total billable hours.

Is this possible?


Glen Scaglione

Hello @getsupport ,

Thanks for the suggestion.
We already have an API integration for Service Desk and ITSM to be delivered by the end of 2018Q3 but we dont have information yet for those functions you listed. For your convenience I will create a support ticket for this and well pass along any information we might get.

Kind Regards,

@getsupport: does this give you what you need?

@melih, thanks for the documentation.

I can use this - just one question: The formatting of the api needs to be in JSON or XML? I can see a mixture of query statements and need to let my developer know what to programme in.


Glen Scaglione

Hello @getsupport,

We don’t have the information available off-hand as the feature is still in development. However we’ll get them for you and provide you with an update as soon as we can.
You can also read up on the documentation from this link and check if some of your queries can be addressed.

Thank you

If you speak to the right department you will get the answer. So why don’t you speak to the correct department then answer it?
That’s what I do.

Hello @getsupport

This API (pls see…-documentation ) is a RestFull service. The request body and response is requires data on json format. Your can find sample request and responses on Description Document.

As you can also see on the API description some parameters such “Authorization” should be passed as request header parameter. “Authorization” will be your unique key. In order the create a valid Api Key please use following page of Your Service Desk Account: “SD Manage -> Api Keys”. In case of using “Authorization” parameter “x-Access-Token” is not required.

All these also available on documentation. If you need more information or further help, please ask…

Best Regards