New guy using ITarian and Comodo for the company some miles away

Andre here from Germany. Good to see a very lively community around this great services.
I also managed to bring my management to have their network covered by comodo.
I already will post first questions around the setup.
Thanks and I wish everybody the best.

Hi Andre, I am also happy to help you if you have any questions. I am an account manager for Itarian / Comodo. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at as well. I am available for your assistance. Look forward to hearing from you when you are ready.

Hello Karla, :cool:
nice to read from you. I am nearly at the third building block of the security appliance, which is the email server.
Its gonna run on a dedicated root over at OVH. While I still have certain questions on ITarian, am already thankful to reach any contact who can help, cause they are mostly only minor questions.
I wonder under the app store section I can find a CRM. If this should be used by the work crowd, the endpoint users I mean, can it be done, or is it only for a MSP? :slight_smile:
I have also registered this as an MSP but this whole package is used by only one Company, does it mean any disadvantages, if we use the wrong version?

Hi again,

Thanks for reaching out. CRM is available for MSP customers. To get more details about functionality of CRM module you can follow the article:

Since our MSP platform offers multi-tenancy, you can have as many companies as you like, but certainly it is perfect for just one as well. There are no disadvantages. It offers many options and features for any size.

You have the centralized management platform, several layers of security, and now an added feature of SOCaaP for even more security at a higher level offering Managed Detection & Response all on a postpaid billing model.

If you want to reach out to me by email -, I would be happy to set up a meeting with an engineer and we can set up a full POC (proof of concept) to ensure you learn about all the features we offer. Additionally, if you are not already signed up as a partner, I can get that done for you as well. You can receive 50% discount on the Advanced Endpoint protection and also get set up on the postpaid billing plan for all of the additional features.

Again, if you have any questions, I am happy to help. Looking forward to working with you moving forward.