New RMM Update - 07/09/2015

Hi Everyone,

We are happy to announce that we have a new release planned for tomorrow. You can see the release notes below.

What’s new:

  • Improved Inventory: You can get inventory information on web portal about your assets.
  • Improved control over agent configuration: You can enable / disable notifications and components like desktop icon, system tray icon, chat, remote control notifications, unattended access notifications, etc per customer.
  • Windows 10 support: You can enroll Windows 10 endpoints on the first day and start managing them.

What’s fixed:

  • The Administration Console error during the first run on Windows 8.1
  • Small GUI issues
  • Some other medium and minor bugs

Your agents and administrator consoles should be updated in a few hours after update.

If you see a problem, you can restart the PC or just kill the RMM process on that PC (Unit.exe and Unitmanager.exe) and than run RMM agent / administrator console again, it would speed up the update process.

Best regards,

Look forward to the updates. What will the version numbers be to check the updates have been applied?

Have seen and welcome the new updates.
What browsers do you support and test the platform with?
To see the feature “Improved Inventory: You can get inventory information on web portal about your assets.” I had to set IE11 to use Compatibility View as default settings would not show the Device Info, System Inventory and Sessions information.

Tested again without Compatibility View set to on and the information is now displayed correctly. Not sure what caused the previous display problem.

Could be cache :slight_smile: I am using IE and Chrome without any problem.

BTW, new version numbers are

Console: 5.17.361643.131
Agent: 4.28.362532.244

Since it first appeared on the market I have used Centrastage which has just been purchased by Autotask.

It has some features that I would consider essential, and others that are definite benefits that are highly desirable.

  1. Whist connected to a client in RMM it will often be necessary to reboot, doing so disconnects and as a result you now need to get the client to log in so you can re-establish the . When working on unattended equipment this is impossible and so at the moment RMM is failing to provide the MSP service I need.
  2. A set off the shelf free versions of software with one click deployment scripts would be very useful.

Any thoughts on getting at least number 1 sorted?


Thank you for great feedback.

First one will be resolved on this month release, 29th of July. Please check other improvements we have from this link:

For second point, I might suggest to check our forum post:

We explained how to use active directory, LDAP to enroll multiple devices as well as scripting basics. It might help.

Please let us know if you need anything else.


I know there was a new release, do you need to do an upgrade for the desktop RMM Admin?


No, there should be no need to reinstall the console. Are you experiencing issues with it?

Looking forward to your reply.

No, I just didn’t see anywhere in the modules to check for updates or anything, so just wondering how updates are pushed to the application. I am trying to get it up and running so I can offer it to my clients.

Hello doveroh ,

The agents and administrator consoles should be updated within a few hours after the release, there is no option to manually check for updates.