New Script Request - Get Size of All Folders on an EndPoint Larger than X MB

There is a script to get the top 10 disk consuming files (…onsuming-files).

Could we also have a script that would return a list of all Folders that consume more than X MB of space?

Hello @amcssit ,

We have informed our Script writer regarding this request and we`ll send you an update the soonest.



Please refer to the attached zip file for the complete procedure for “Get Size of All Folders on an EndPoint Larger than X MB”. Thank you (2.73 KB)

@Samuel_C This latest version of the script works great, especially after we added a size parameter to it - thank you.

would like to take this further for adding to a low disk space monitor, but I’ll create a new post for it as it involves more than one script.

Hello @amcssit,

We appreciate your feedback on the given procedure. We have endorsed the “low disk space monitor” on your other forum post to our script developers for them to analyze and provide feedback on the mentioned request. Thank you