New Script Request - Search an EndPoint for all files with a specifed name

Can we have a script that will search EPs looking for files with a specified (via Parameters) name, including the ability to use wildcards for pattern matching? This is to search the whole of the EP, not just a particular folder.

The script output would need to list the full pathname of any files found matching the pattern.

This would be particularly useful in helping to check network-connected devices during and after any infection outbreak. (We do use EDR but have had to remove it from some EPs because of random blue-screening issues.) In any case, this script would be useful for generally discovering files which are not related to any infection.

Hi @amcssit ,

We’ve forwarded this request to our Script Developers and we will inform you through email as soon as we get an update from them.

Hi @amcssit ,

Please find the attached script for your reference " Search an EndPoint for all files with a specifed name "

Thank you

20190527-FileSearch_WildCard.json (2.22 KB)

Thank you very much. Will test it out.

Hello @amcssit ,

Thank you for sharing us the result. We will further check and investigate.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Any update on this? The support ticket was closed as not having heard from me. I have re-opened.

@amcssit ,

We have sent back the requested procedure on your email via shareable link. I’ll reattach it here once more.

20190527-FileSearch_WildCard.json (2.22 KB)

Will try it as soon as Scripts are running again from the Portal.