New ticket from email not working

When i set it up a couple months ago, it was working fine but now it’s not. I have even tried setting up the mail forwarding, but its not working either. Any ideas? is it a known issue right now?

Hello @socalitninja ,

We are unable to replicate the issue on our end.
Will you please try to re set up your email and other settings the you configured which are not working?


Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply. I just got done deleting and setting up the email connector again. After sending a test email to the email address, it still did not create a new ticket. I find it curious that you couldn’t recreate the issue. Is there anything else I can try?


Hi @socalitninja
We have created a support ticket on your behalf for the issue that you have with the Service Desk module. Please do reply at your convenience.

I had this for about 4 hours, then found a check box under Admin Panel > Settings > Emails that was un-checked. Checked it, then was inundated with ‘missed’ tickets…