New to AEP

Working with my sales rep to add AEP to my RMM clients. Does anyone else use it this way? Can someone tell me what the Managed Security option in the AEP versions? I’d like to be able to manage AV for my clients. Do I need that option or can I still do it on the premium version as well?

The managed security option is for Comodo to manage your clients.

The premium is for you to license and manage your clients.

Need any help in licenses please let us know.

I do need help. Thanks. I created another post about it though. I would really like to use AEP but the pricing information I’m getting is a bit confusing, and I don’t want to get tied into something that will be a huge price shock later.

Hi @Fred

Don’t worry, it is a very simple product to price if you get the right distributor.

I have as asked by @melih sent you a PM with details on all this just now.

​​​​​​​Hopefully this will help.