New User - Some Questions

Hi All.

New to Comodo and I have a few questions so far from
using the application, hope it’s ok to post here…

Does Comodo offer a Quick support link ability ? Example, can I direct someone to a link and they can run an app so I can get on via Comodo remote support if they are not already enrolled ?

Is it possible to have the Computer name showing in the About section of C1 RMM on the client machine ?

There appears be a character limit on website entry in about section - how do I overcome this limit as the website url appears to hit a limit.

How do I set “owner” as the logged in user of machine ? Rather than specifying an already set up owner.

How best to set up the customer list in RMM…

1 main company and create separate groups for each customer ?


1 company per customer and use the default group ?

Hope the above makes sense - any feedback appreciated.

Hello @thecomputertech,

Here are the answers to your queries:
Does Comodo offer a Quick support link ability ? Example, can I direct someone to a link and they can run an app so I can get on via Comodo remote support if they are not already enrolled ?
The Comodo Client Communication Agent is the same agent used for the remote support session on endpoints registered on ITSM. This means that the remote session will only work when an endpoint is enrolled.

Is it possible to have the Computer name showing in the About section of C1 RMM on the client machine ?
For this, we will send an email to your Comodo One registered email and send a feature request to the product development team. We will request for other information through that email. Moreover, when an endpoint is registered in ITSM, the Name of the Device registered in Device Management would be the Local Computer Name. This can be edited from the ITSM portal’s Device Name.

There appears be a character limit on website entry in about section - how do I overcome this limit as the website url appears to hit a limit.
Could you please let us know where you are editing the website URL; is it in Service Desk, Comodo One portal or ITSM?
We can also handle this issue through the email we are going to send if you are not comfortable posting private information in this publicly accessible forum.

How do I set “owner” as the logged in user of machine ? Rather than specifying an already set up owner.
Could you please elaborate on this query. Probably give an example of the scenario.
This can also be addressed in the email we will be sending.

How best to set up the customer list in RMM…
1 main company and create separate groups for each customer ?
1 company per customer and use the default group ?

If you are managing multiple companies, you can set up separate Companies from the Comodo One Dashboard > Management > Customers (Company)
Once you have added the details of the Customer/Company, the changes you have made should reflect in the ITSM portal as Individual Companies. After creating the companies, you can create groups (you can say that they are sub departments of the company) to manage them individually.
For example you have added Company A as a Customer, then you can create sub departments like the Finance Department devices and users, HR department devices and users, and so on.

Anything you add under Default Company is recommended to be groups/departments within your own organization that you intend to manage. Your own endpoints, staff, groups, etc. This should make your device and user management easier rather than adding them all in one group under the default company.

You can refer to our ITSM help guides here:

Thank you.

Hi @thecomputertech

Is there any long term plan to implement a quick support service ?

Indeed, we do have plans to roll out such a feature by Q1 2019.

The character limit for the website input …
(Side note, if I choose not to enter a website it pre fills the comodo site - can I have it not do that?)

The character limit has been reported already and a fix for it will be applied in the upcoming May 2018 update to the C1 platform. For the fields that you choose to leave blank or want to be disabled, this has been reported also and submitted to the product development team as a feature request.

Regarding the “Owner” query…
How can I get it to assign the logged in user as oppose to a user prefilled.

You can click inside the field and you will be able to fill in an email address that has already been added in ‘Customers’ (see Management → Customers) or in ‘Users’ (see ITSM / USERS → User List). Feel free to read through the following guide about managing users or adding a new company/customer.

Basically what I may encounter is some companies with no dedicated “user” / “owner” to that particular computer. So I would prefer the logged in user to be displayed within the device list of Device Management for the company … Rather than an email address / set user.

You can choose to enroll a group of devices under the ‘main’ email of the ‘company’ where these devices will be part of. You do not need to provide an individual email address on a per device basis. There is a feature request though that is still being reviewed which will display the currently logged in user per device and allow you to filter/sort them.

Since you mentioned that you are new to the C1 platform, we strongly suggest signing up for a personalized demo of the C1 platform.

As a valued MSP partner, we will provide you your own dedicated Product Engineer who will give you a personalized demo of the C1 platform so that you can become familiar with all of its capabilities and get started quickly. Our mission is to make you a Comodo One Guru and educate you on all of its functionalities.

Please request your free demo via the link below and you will be contacted by your dedicated Product Engineer within 24 hours. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.