"New version of Comodo ONE Patch Management Available Now" email / broken links


The email I (and presumably other MSP users) just got about switching to the ‘new’ ITSM based patch management links to this page: https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web/category/patch-management/ which loads without any CSS (because all of the resources are 404s), and all the onward links are also 404s (eg: https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web/category/patch-management/topic/understanding-itsm-containment-and-application-control )

Can someone fix this/these please, as this is something we’d be interested in reading about!

Hello @netcalibre
If you start your browsing from https://wiki.comodo.com/, you will be able to reach the correct links. We also would like to point out that the link you provided is for the older versions.

When will ITSM patch management have feature parity with the old RMM patch management?

Looking for nix and macos patching.

I am not really seeing anything regarding any new Patch Management features or use on the https://wiki.comodo.com/ link… Am I missing something?

Hello @Joners and @lindytec,

We will collect information from our developers and provide you with an update as soon as we can.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello @Joners We are here for you and constantly developing our product to meet your needs. Our development teams are working on bringing new patch management with the same parity with the old patch management. We are working to bring MacOS and Linux Patch management in the first half of 2018 respectively.

Hello @lindytec I think here is what are you looking for: https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web…tch-management. If you think that we should create any more wikis. We will be more than happy to help you.

Product Manager for IT&SM Patch Management