Notifications and tray settings

Am I able to adjust these settings? They are grayed out in my console, and I would like to have the option to have a tray icon and send/receive notifications.

Hello rhayes@lighttechinc ,

The notifications and tray settings for the RMM agent were disabled a while ago, when the agent started to run as a service. The menu is still there because, in one of the future releases, they will be reactivated as a new feature.

Any idea when this will be re-enabled. And will there be a menu option to access the SD from the tray icon?

Hello @tImO ,

The notifications and tray settings for the RMM agent should be implemented in the first half of 2016.

I have installed the client on 4 computers and the remote desktop does not work on any of them. After reading the outdated help file it says that I have to request a connection before connecting and I have to do that by chat. In order to chat I have to enable that feature but that feature is grayed out. Is there a way to connect to the desktop or is that feature on hold along with all the options that were once there?

Hello @Charger440,

After you install the RMM agent and the device shows up in the Administration console, in order to establish a remote connection on an available/online endpoint, click on “Takeover”. After the session is established, from the left side of the new window, select “Remote desktop” from the Deploy tool drop-down list.

The remote connection should be established automatically, without the need of user’s input, because the RMM agent is currently running as a service.

Please let us know what error messages you receive when trying to establish the connection.

Thank you for the response. When I try this I get nothing. I select “Remote desktop” and nothing happens. It would be nice if it gave an error message because at least that would be of some help.

Hello @Charger440 ,
Please make sure no other Security software could block the remote on the endpoint side. If that is not the case, please collect a set of logs from these locations:

Console Logs:

  1. Navigate to:
    C\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\RMM Administration Console ( or to C\Program Files\COMODO\RMM Administration Console)
  2. Edit dbg_config.ini: change Level=7 to Level=15
  3. Wait for the issue to reproduce and then collect Logs from:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\RMM Administration Console\logs (or C:\Program Files\COMODO\RMM Administration Console\logs)

Agent Logs:

  1. Navigate to:
    C\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Rmm Agent Service (or to C\Program Files\COMODO\Rmm Agent Service )
  2. Edit dbg_config.ini: change Level=7 to Level=15
  3. Wait for the issue to reproduce and then collect Logs from:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Rmm Agent Service\logs (or C:\Program Files\COMODO\Rmm Agent Service\logs)

Once you have these logs, please email them to, with a set of screenshots of the problem.
Thank you for your time !

Actually it just started working… Not real sure why but it’s working… Now I have another issue…

Hello @Charger440 ,

What is the new issue that you are experiencing?


It was another thread… about the out of order procedures.