OneDrive Business backups and NAS backups

How does everyone backup their OneDrive Business data and also data stored on NAS drives, such as QNAP?

1 way you can do it. Backup the NAS using the app to one drive.then you can backup one drive directly :wink:

I know synology have this ability as I have done it. If you do it to a user one drive you get 1TB to backup to. The only problem is it is a live sync so in the case of ransomeware where the files get encrypted this would be synced up for one drive. So a restore would have to be done.

Other way. Should work with any file based Backup.

other than that check out

Thanks, but can you restore everything in one go? Also, does it retain restore points or is it just a mirror image?

It’s a copy. So anything created or deleted on the NAS will be replicated. So it’s not really a backup it’s a copy.

Cloudberry “This product is no longer supported. You can get it “as is” for free and you can use it at your own risk.”

Seems odd that there aren’t numerous simple ways to backup NAS devices to the cloud or to back up One Drive .

Interesting… I know Synology do their own Backup / DR

I’ve sent them a message requesting more info.

Datto and ME can do this. there are may companies now offering SaaS backups.

Our MSP is focussed on Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery and there are a number of solutions available. It would be foolish to suggest products without understanding your compliance and retention requirements. There are a number of products out there, but it all depends on whether you are looking for Cloud or On-premise solutions?

As your using OneDrive for Business, i’m going to assume that your on O365, if so, any reason why your not using SharePoint instead of your NAS and then repurposing your NAS for backup?

it’s actually for a possible home user scenario to store years worth of pictures accessible from anywhere, but with a backup. No compliance issues. Just cloud storage which is backed up or a NAS which is backed up.

Synology is the way to go. The back up pricing is good I feel.

Per TB €70 a year…

Thanks, That looks like the way to go, it’s just a pity cloud backup providers can’t backup OneDrive Business data directly yet.

They can… Datto and storagecraft do it. There are many providers doing SaaS backup. Check out Ahsay they also backup multiple systems including Office 365.

most backup providers can backup OneDrive, SharePoint and Exchange Online, the issue as a home user will be the pricing.

There may be a minimum license quantity, not sure, but have a look at Skykick. Its one we have come up against a number of times and it appears that their license is done on ‘per user’ rather than ‘per GB/TB’, which if you have larger volumes of data, usually becomes much cheaper.