/opt/ITarian/EndpointManager still exists after uninstall

I’ve run the Linux uninstall sh script and rebooted after the prompt. I notice the CCS folder has gone from /opt but ITarian remain and so does the content of EndpointManager. I’ve grepped for all services that might contain ccs, itarian, itsm keywords, but nothing is showing. Can I just delete the ITarian folder now?

Yes, you can safely delete the ITarian folder now. The Linux uninstall sh script should have removed all of the CCS-related files and services, including those in the ITarian folder. If you grepped for all services that might contain ccs, itarian, or itsm keywords and nothing showed up, then there is no reason to keep the ITarian folder.

Hi, did this help? If not let me know.

Hi @divadiow

Welcome to the forum.

I see from your post(s) you might have this resolved already, if not hopefully the following will help.

There is no official script provided by ITarian to remove our agent from the device. It sounds like you might have used an odd script or command that does not respect Comodo/Xcitium and ITarian difference.

Command should be

systemctl stop itsm && systemctl disable itsm && rm -f /etc/systemd/system/itsm.service && rm -rf /opt/comodo && rm -rf /opt/ITarian

The previous one was

systemctl stop itsm && systemctl disable itsm && rm -f /etc/systemd/system/itsm.service && rm -rf /opt/comodo

If you use the new command all should be cleaned up successfully for you.