Patch management module unavailable

I am trying to access the patch management module, currently get the blue rotating graphic.
See attached screenshot.

Hello mhberglund,

Noticed that you are using IE 11. If you can please confirm that, so we’ll know where to look and what to check. Exact version would help. Operating System version as well.
Also please try accessing the PM Module in a different browser and let us know if it works.

Hi Matthew,

Issue still persists in IE11 on Windows 8.1 Pro.
IE version = 11.0.9600.18036, updates versions = 11.0.23 (KB3087038)

Currently the issue is not present in Google Chrome.

Please confirm when the issue is resolved for IE11.
Many thanks.

Hello mhberglund,

We are investigating the issue and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Patch Management Portal is down “502 Bad Gateway” Error

Hello Marveltec,

Can you please try to access the page again and tell us if you still get the “502 Bad Gateway” error message?


We have escalated the issue and we will update you as soon as we have a resolution in place.

Hello Marveltec,

Please let us know if this is still an ongoing issue for you.

Hi Matthew,

its working now

Hello Marveltec,

Thank you for the update!