Patch management not working even after paid subscription

patch management not working even after paid subscription

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I don’t understand the idea of restricting access to these areas of the site. You still have to pay for a license to deploy these features to a device so what benefit is there to restricting access to these pages? All they’re doing is making this product more frustrating to use.

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I got move from one portal to another and then back to Itarian.

Same issue with modules, I needed to go to the store and re-activate the service desk.
But cannot sync departments in a new profile to allow tickets from the enduser agent.

It’s far too frustrating to deal with during “working” hours.

I believe there needs to be clarity and and effort put in to contact and lay out short and long term projections for the platform, the current PR department must be on long service leave or holidays!

I don’t mind paying for services but they need to be justified and fair, have a product that is truly market ready and can take on the competitors, look at the better players and see what works, what do end users want or need?
A platform that just works at least 99% of the time, does what is claims, makes our time, energy and effort put in more rewarding, not frustrate and be looking out for something “better”.


Dear all,

On the patch management and other areas, if yiu do not have profiles assigned to devices with these enabled you currently do not have access to these screens.

Currently this gives you the basic access denied messages shown on this forum but we will be changing them to something better.