Patch Management Not Working

Ive got several computers which arent receiving/install updates when manually pushed from the ITSM patch management.

ie Putty on 2 machines is at version 0.63, ITSM patch management knows that there is a later version (0.67). When you attempt to patch to the latest version nothing happens.

Hi @Joners ,

Can you try attached a procedure you can import and run on the affected machines to restart the ITSM service, which would force pooling the available patch information.

Simply import it, click ‘Ready for Review’ and ‘Approve’ to be able to run it on the affected endpoints.

Please let us know if this will help. Thanks

20170331-Restart-ItsmRsp-service.json (419 Bytes)

Hi @Jordan_C tried the proceedure, afraid that it wont run on one of the three machines ive found with the issue. It doesnt appear to be running any proceedures. On the other two it exectued without any problems but the updates still arent processed.

Hi @Joners ,

We’re sorry for the inconvenience that you have faced. We will further investigate this issue and we will get back to you as soon as possible through email.

Thank you for your patience.