Patchmanagement failure - AGAIN

Two of our client servers has shown fully patched for a while now.
They are set to run automatic updates and show nice and green in the portal.

I decided to check on a few things on those servers unrelated to updates but happened to take a look anyway.

Turns out that windows updates are not working on the servers but the portal shows they are all updated.

Just another blow against patch management.
This product is unreliable and frankly very poor.

If windows updates are broken on the server, the portal shouldnt show it fully patched.
its time to get patch management working as required.

Hello @smartcloud,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will escalate this case to our development team to investigate and provide resolution.
We will also send you an email shortly regarding with the information that we need for escalation.

Thank you for your patience.