PCI Compliance Encryption

Dear All,

I have a customer that uses and SBS 2008 server.

They need to be PCI compliant and I have had to disable SSL on the server. TLS 1 is the only method available (still not compliant as 2008 is not capable of TLS 1.2 but thats another story!)

Since disabling SSL I no longer have access to the server - can anyone suggest any method to get around this please?



Hello @msitcmatt ,

At the moment the RMM application is not designed to be PCI compliant, but all communication channels that contain sensitive data are encrypted.

We have however forwarded your question to our Development Team and we will advise further on this matter.

Hello @msitcmatt ,

RMM should work with TLSv1. It understands SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.0, so it should be fine.