Anyone else noticed a dramatic slowing of the platform operation over the last week or two?
There is now a significant pause when selecting a customer or a device/endpoint. Always around 6-8 seconds. It never used to be anywhere near this slow. Has there been a platform update that may have caused the issue?
July 28, 2020, 6:47pm
Hello @Ed_Johnson ,
The portal is working fine on our end and our users have not yet reported this issue. We suspect this to be a browser issue.
After in house tests I can confirm it is a browser issue. Thanks
Anyone else noticed a dramatic slowing of the platform operation over the last week or two?
There is now a significant pause when selecting a customer or a device/endpoint. Always around 6-8 seconds. It never used to be anywhere near this slow. Has there been a platform update that may have caused the issue?
Yes, same issue using chrome, select a device/group and takes at least 30 secs to respond.
July 29, 2020, 10:21pm
For anyone experiencing issues with Chrome, clearing your cache normally helps, especially after a platform upgrade.
I was just tickled by the truncated version of the message alert from the forum, given the context of the original post:
Here is the message that has been posted:
[QUOTE=Ed_Johnson;n45171]Anyone else noticed a dramatic slowing of the platform operation over the last week or two?
There is now a significant pause when
All the best,
Itarian Forum