Portal Improvement - 24 Hour Format for Time Stamps

Could the portal - in fact all Comodo/Itarian products - please implement the 24 hour, HH:MM, time format? Most countries have adopted this as standard; it’s unambiguous and saves space in formatting columns and outputs.

Hello @amcssit, our product management team is aware of your request and is working to prioritize it with the others received. We also see that you have requested this feature here.
We will notify you on the support ticket that was created for any updates regarding this request and its timeline once it is prioritized on the road-map for a delivery.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Have to agree, this AM/PM business is a bit dark ages for us in Europe

24 hour all the way!!!

@CompuWhizz @StrobeTech We have sent you an email on your forum registered email address about this request. Please be advised that this is already in the pipeline and we have added you on list of users to be notified once important updates are given regarding the implementation date.

Any update on this?

I would also like an update for this.

@Noiden ,

We’ll make sure to keep you updated too with this functionality request.

@PatrickHD , @Jimmy Any update? Reverse yyyy/mm/dd would be even better as it’s a DB standard, unambiguous and mathematically chronological.

Any update?

This should only be an option that is set per user, as for example in AU and we use AM/PM mostly.
We hate the US style of date and prefer DDMMYYYY


Hi @amcssit,

Your feature request is already in our roadmap, it is currently mapped for 2021 Q4.
You will be notified once this feature is implemented and ready for use.

Kind Regards,