Power On option in RMM?

I currently have a couple PCs in need of updates but I can’t apply them since the PC is currently off and no is in the office. Anyway to turn these guys on using the RMM tool? If not can we get this added as a feature request.

Hello @brt_kraig
Unfortunately right now there is no option to wake the computers. Since they are offline, the RMM will not be able to connect to them.

I will forward this as a feature request.

Wake-on-LAN, WoL has been requested. It would require the PC’s motherboard supporting this feature, it also has to be turned on in the BIOS. My current workaround is to install a WoL utility on a server which is on the same LAN/subnet as the required workstations. Use RMM remote desktop to the server and then use the WoL utility to wake the PC up. If you need more details, happy to help.