Primary Customer Contact, or Contacts?

Is it possible to make a customer contact, or contacts, have the ability to review all tickets generated by their business?



You can utilize this process for the set-up

Hi Jimmy, your link is for customer setup, which I am very happy with.
However, specific customer contact would like to have an overview of all tickets for their specific organisation, not just their own tickets.
I’m quite sure this is not currently possible within Comodo One, but I’m sure I am not the only MSP with customers needing this kind of access.

Hello @CraigK ,

Thanks for the information.Your input is important to us as it will help to improve the usefulness of C1 for the entire users’ community.
We will continue assisting you on the ticket that will be created shortly.
Please reply at your convenience.

Thank you.

Currently this is not possible in the C1 platform; but is a asked for feature by any of my clients.

Let me just share a situation sent to the C1 Support team a few months ago of a (sort of) similar situation described by the OP (@CraigK)

I have a quick question, one of our clients has to have all requests vetted by a specific senior manager before they can be actioned by us. We would like this to be automated (work flow that when a client from this company submits a ticket) its is 1st sent to this Senior manager for approval then sent to our support. Is there anyway to give this Senior Manager access to the Service Desk portal but only for his Organization? Or is there a better way to do it? ( I know how to limit in the ITSM via role, but not SD)

Obviously I’m looking to keep as much functionality as possible via C1 so that we know which end user it is (especially if they raise it from the desktop agent), but don’t want to expose other client data to this Senior Manager.

Here is our reply to the above inquiry:

With the current functionalities in the C1 platform (and Service Desk), the work flow you described is possible (with a lot of tinkering to do).

First part has to be done in the Service Desk.…partments.html
> In SD, go to Admin Panel → STAFF → Departments.
> Create two new ‘departments’ that will be exclusively accessed by the ‘Senior Manager’ only (ex., For Approval, Approved). (Take note that the C1 account admin will still be able to access these two, of course.)
> When a new ticket from ‘Senior Manager’s company’ comes in, it is directed to the (using above example) ‘For Approval’ department. It will be an OPEN ticket and assigned to him/her.
> An (automated) email notification is sent to the ‘Senior Manager’ (or not if you prefer to have him/her just regularly log in to SD) about a new concern.
> If ‘Senior Manager’ approves the work, he transfers the ticket to the ‘Approved’ department (and still remains as OPEN).
> It will be up to you to assign the ticket to somebody else (but may remain in the ‘Approved’ department or not as you see fit).
> Feel free to add other alerts/notifications as you see fit.…aff-Roles.html
> In SD, go to Admin Panel → STAFF → Roles.
> Click on ‘+ Add New Role’. (You will be setting up a new role for the ‘Senior Manager’ here.)
> Uncheck everything in the ‘Admin Panel’ tab. (The ‘Senior Manager’ will only check and approve tickets for his/her company, right?)
> In the ‘Staff Panel’ tab, put a check on the functions that you deem needed by the ‘Senior Manager’ to perform his function.
> Make sure to click on ‘Create Role’ to save it.
> This new custom SD Staff Role will be assigned to the ‘Senior Manager’ once he has been added/verified in the C1 portal (see the next part).

Second part has to be done in the main C1 portal wherein you need to create a new Role and add a new Staff (the Senior Manager).…age-Roles.html
> Go to Management → Roles.
> Highlight either the ‘Admin’ or ‘Technician’ role and ‘Clone’ it. (It does not matter which one you choose as you will heavily customize its permissions anyway.)
> Fill in the fields as you see fit. Put a check on those items that you want the ‘Senior Manager’ to have access to fulfill his function.
> Once you are satisfied with the settings, make sure to SAVE it.

> Go to Management → Staff.
> Click on ‘+ New Staff’ and fill in the fields as needed. (This is where you add the ‘Senior Manager’.)
> Make sure to assign the ‘custom role’ you made beforehand and SAVE it.
> Let the ‘Senior Manager’ check his email and verify to set up his password.

The ‘Senior Manager’ will log in to the main C1 web portal (either ‘’ for EU or ‘’ for US). When he/she first logs in, he/she will see not much. You will simply have to inform him to adjust the landing page under ‘Settings’ (click username on the upper right corner).

Before you add the ‘Senior Manager’ though, you might want to create a test account first to double-check on how it will appear on the ‘Senior Manager’s’ end. Make adjustments as necessary after testing it. Once you are satisfied, then add the actual ‘Senior Manager’.

With the new features added in the Service Desk in the last platform update, the above steps can still be ‘enhanced/improved’.