problem installation c1 agent on mac

Goodmorning everyone, I try to install the convenience agent on an imac but it gives me error. Can someone help me?

Check out the help section. There are a few steps to take before the agent can be pushed out.

have you created the cert for example ?

perhaps screen shot the error.

Hi @Alessandro ,

Apple requires an Apple Push Notification (APN) certificate installed on your ITSM portal to facilitate communication with managed iOS devices and Mac OS devices. To obtain and implement an APN certificate and corresponding private key, please follow the steps in this link:…rtificate.html

Hi @dittoit ,

We truly appreciate your help on this matter.

What error are you facing, can you please elaborate a lil more here.

The original concern of the OP has already been addressed @sammartin8935. Please review @Jordan_C’s post above yours.