Problem with RMM's "SpmService" process ballooning and crashing repeatedly.

Comodo Support,

I’m running into an issue with the un-described and poorly named Comodo windows service “SpmService” (which was also the name of a Sony Vaio laptop powermgmt service) . I pushed some Windows patches manually via the RMM portal and then monitored the PC via remote control to see how it behaved. The patches did install however the “SpmService” would use about 10-20% CPU intermittently and memory would balloon from 64MB to nearly 1GB or RAM then recycle itself over and over again. I rebooted when prompted after the updates were installed but it still continued this behavior.

I checked the event log and found it was doing this about every 40 seconds. “The description for Event ID 0 from source SpmService cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.” in the Application log and “The SpmService service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 246 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 3000 milliseconds: Restart the service.” in the System log.

Please let me know what the next steps are.


Hello @vitalsupport,

Please refer to this link as the Old RMM will be completely decommission:…-rmm#post18503

However, we will still collect information from our developers with regard to your reported problem with ‘SpmService’ and provide you with an update as soon as we can.

Thank you.

@Anna_C I’ve never used the old RMM. I started using C1 about 1 month ago so I never it. The computer I was seeing that on eventually settled down. I’ll try pushing another update in the next couple of days to see if the behavior starts again. I definitely believe what I saw was a bug in the spmservice process.

Hi @vitalsupport ,

Please let us know the result of update so we can inform our Development Team. We will also send you an email for updates. Thank you.

Hello @vitalsupport First of all, I should say that we are very sorry about unpleasant situatuon about our SpmService.

It is the service used for handling 3rd party patches and normally has nothing to do with Windows patches. Your problem most probably happened because our service has confliected with Sony Vaio laptop powermgmt service. In order to understand your problem, our support team will contact you and request some logs. Then, we will push your problem to development team.

If the problem was the name conflict as I suppose, we may think to change the name of the service.

Thanks for bringing this issue into our attention. We, as product team, are working to catch your issues.

Best regards,
Product Manager for IT&SM Patch Management, Procedures and Monitoring.

@emrahsamdan Hi Emrah,

It’s a Dell Optiplex PC. I included the reference to the Sony Vaio related program of the same name as that is what comes up in search results. The actual Windows service should be properly described like “Comodo 3rd Party App Updater”. I did push an update for a couple of 3rd Party apps so that explains it’s appearance but not the memory race condition I encountered.


@vitalsupport ,

We thank you for clarifying. We have sent an initial response to you via email for some needed logs. We will forward your response to our development team who in turn will investigate the root cause of your reported issue.