Procedure that runs immediately after the agent first gets online

Hello guys,

We are doing an evaluation of Comodo for use in our MSP.

Maybe because of lack of knowledge I have not yet found an option that I think is very useful.

I need to have a procedure that runs right after the agent comes online for the first time.
For example:
I need to install a certain software that is standard for a device group. But I do not want this to be scheduled, I need to install it once after insertion into Comodo.

It is also interesting that you have an option so that if the execution of the procedure fails on this first attempt, you have to try again as soon as the device comes online again.

Scheduling does not allow this option.

Do you know an alternative?

Hello @skills

Thank you for showing interest in the Comodo ONE platform.

It is possible to accomplish what you mentioned above with the current capabilities of the ITSM. Depending on the software that you want to install initially upon device enrollment, the whole setup may end up (a bit) clunky or spot on perfect. Here are a few links you may want to check for reference:

Set up a Monitor

Script to check if a specific application is installed or not

Create a custom procedure if you don’t see what you are looking for in the premade list of procedures.

Here is how I would go about installing -appname- to a newly-enrolled endpoint.

  • Setup starts in the Profile to be associated to the selected endpoints (device group).
  • Go to the Monitoring section and add a new monitor.
  • Add a 'custom script' condition.
  • Use the linked script above or modify/create one that fits your needs.
Hopefully, this points you to the right direction.

I understood your placement for this scenario.

I wish I had an option where it was not necessary to check and monitor a device. Because I believe that with this continuous monitoring we will always have a certain consumption of resources (network, cpu, disk, etc …).

Another scenario I have is with regard to a procedure we are testing for local user creation.

For example:
We have a new client and we are installing the agents.
And we need to add our admin user for management.
I do not want to have to go and run the procedure on all new devices manually.

Would not it be easier if the new client’s Profile already triggered the Procedure as soon as the computer is inserted?

I hope it was clearer.

Thank you.

I understand what you mean there @skills with the continuous monitoring action. Profile assignments can also be on a ‘temporary’ basis. You can create a profile for initial deployment where you set up all the items that you want to be in the selected endpoints. And when you are satisfied already with what’s running on the endpoints, you can replace the profile with the one that is for a ‘long-term’ use. The profile replacement though has to be done manually.

You can also manually run a script to create a Task Scheduler entry that performs your ‘initial setup’ that self-deletes once all set tasks are complete.

For the example that you mentioned above about adding an admin user for management, this is not needed with the ITSM and its functions. But if you still prefer to have one set up, it’s possible to do so with running batch files, VBscripts or through PowerShell.

We do acknowledge that the actual ‘initial setup’ function that you are looking for is not available out of the box right away. But they can be achieved (with a bit of trial and error) with what is already present in Comodo ONE’s ITSM.


I understand perfectly.

We will always need a user with an administrator profile to perform a task directly on the user’s terminal.

But see, when talking about an RMM Platform the key word must be AUTOMATION.

And intelligent, easy and agile automation. I know that the initial settings of any RMM tool are time consuming.

But I believe COMODO is working to improve these processes. And so I’ll continue my testing for a few more days.


Thank you @skills

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance or clarification. A post here in the forums or, if there is some sensitive information involved, shoot us an email at

Hello @skills ,

I want to thank you for your interest to C1. We are giving great importance to thoughts of our customers.

For running a procedure, when the device takes the profile for the first time, we are planning this to be delivered in June. Hope alternative scenarios that our support team can help until then.

We are looking forward to hearing your experiences and feedbacks for C1.

my best regards,
Product Manager for Monitoring&Procedures