Procedures - changed alerts on defaults


This is regarding default templates for alerts, procedures, profiles, etc…

The default templates are great. As you add new customers they are instantly protected by the default templates. Unfortunately, unless you create new templates (or clone defaults) you have no control over how the Alerts are handled. I understand that not allowing to make changes to the default templates preserve the original state for future use and or guidance.

The downside is you are duplicating functions. Now when you go to use, lets say an script, each requested script will have two (or more) versions to select from. You many need to handle the alerts differently for each customer, which can just make the list of scripts/procedures so long. This can get confusing.

If you clone a default template, you can not make changes to it per use. For example: if you use “System Clean Up” script for every customer. But you need to handle the way the alerts processed differently, you have to create an new template as you can not change just the “Alert” function per use.

Not sure if there is a work around. Just thought I would put it out there.

Hi @rmorton
I understand what you mean here wherein the list of customized profile/procedures/alerts can become potentially long that it becomes difficult to navigate in it. Do you happen to have any suggestions that you want to put forward as a QOL improvement during the profile/procedure/alert assignment process?