Processing Emails

So I am looking at how to integrate systems that are not part of C1…
eg. auvik, where I can have email alerts send.

My question is how do I filter an email for a clients name in the subject line and use that to assign the ticket to that client?

Hello @rockowwc

As of the moment, filtering an email for a client via subject line and use it to assign the ticket to that client is not yet possible.

What we can recommend is setting up an Account Manager. In Service Desk > Staff Panel > Users > Organizations > select organization > Name > Settings > select you Account Manager
Add a check to “Assign tickets from this organization to the Account Manager”

What the set up will do is - whenever a ticket is received from the organization, the Account Manager will receive the ticket first. Then he can assign that ticket to other Technicians.

You may refer to our help guide here on how you can manage your an organization in Service Desk:

Regarding email alerts, are you specifically talking about alerts for receiving new tickets? Or do you want to use another email (not to use to send alerts with?

Let us know if you still need further assistance.

Hi @Riley_C

I have use Connect Wise and also Autotask and one of the correct way to handle ticket is:

1- Customer issue a ticket via: Chat / Phone from Customer Representative Agent / Email.
2- If customer request for support via Email this will go via (for ex.).
3- The automated system trap support email and assign this ticket to a generic user or group called (for ex): Dispatchers.
4- Dispatchers will be able to distribute tickets to proper technicians and then They would troubleshoot ticket as normal.

Connectwise Manage also has the concept of a catchall account, where an unknown email address gets assigned to that “account” and has to be manually re assigned.
SyncroMSP indicated in their email workflow documents that you can use match text in a subject email and then assign an customer based on that…

Hello @rockowwc and @axatech ,

There are ways that you could do this. You could use ticket filtering under Admin Panel->Manage->Ticket Filters section. There are different criterias that you can use to filter out the tickets when they are first created. You could also select the order of processing to manage your different rules to work together.

Another thing in Service Desk is that you can set up an email to fetch tickets and define which department will be used to assign the tickets coming from that e-mail.
Maybe you could also use ticket filtering with ticket categories in order to capture the ticket to a category then use the abilities of that ticket categories to capture the incoming emails to a correct place.

I have added these help guides below:

If you need anything please let us know. We are happy to help!

Best regards