Profiles show in random order and filter

Can we please get the profiles to show in A-Z order and stay in that order, if I sort by name, as soon as I go into a profile and go back the sort is forgotten.
Also the filter is lost, if I apply a filter then go into a profile then go back the filter has removed itself.

Cheers James.

Hi @dittoit ,

Thank you very much for providing us your suggestion for a Feature Request. Your input is important to us as it will help to improve the usefulness of C1 for the entire users’ community. We have submitted your request to our product team where they will review it and determine where it will fit best on the product road-map. You can expect to hear back in less than 10 business days with a time-frame for the planned implementation.

We will also send you an email to keep track of this request.

Hi @dittoit ,

We have identified this feature as “sticky settings”, it would save all sorting, filtering, pagination and selections on a page and in the next visit show the page accordingly. But due to prioritization of other important items it is in our 2018Q3 roadmap. Stay tuned to get them all!
