Projects page size

Why Projects dont use entire screen?

Hello @Sergey ,

Because all the SD sections, including Projects, are using only the SD frame. We will escalate the case to the developers and we will let you know if the size can be enlarged or not.

And how about SD? I think any module should use entirely display. If I have big display - I want comfort viewing of data…

Hello @Sergey ,

The request that has been escalated is referring to the entire SD module, not just the Projects page.

Hello @Sergey ,

We are redesigning SD within 2017Q1. In the new design SD will be using all the available space. We would be more than happy if you could provide more suggestions about layout, design etc.

Try to do SD slightly liter. No it is to overloaded, and find needed info at ticket page is hard sometimes.

Hello @Sergey

Thank you for your feedback. We will forwarded as such to the Team.

Hello @Sergey ,

Could you please provide some suggestions on how we can improve SD user interface for better manageability?