Questions about Comodo One after a short test drive.

So I have been testing things out and have a few questions…

  1. Patch Management - I can’t seem to be able to get any of my agents to show up, do i have to install addition software or do something in the RMM for it to show up? I may have missed something but I can’t for the life me figure it out.

  2. On the “Take Over” screen, it lists the users First Name, Last Name, and Email. Where is this inputted in the RMM? I am sure I am just over looking it.

  3. There is a policy that you can set to do a scan( I think an AV scan) is this for the Comodo AV? If so is there any special pricing for using Comodo One for other Comodo products(like AV). I am currently looking for a web managed AV solution so I would be interesting in hearing more about the AV products and its tie in to Comodo One. Also is the AV product only priced out yearly or do you have a monthly option. I am just starting out and don’t want to have to lay out all the money up front, if I can keep from it.

  4. Remote Desktop - We talked about this in the other thread. I did find if it connects it works great but about 30% of the time it wouldn’t connect and I would have to close out of the tab and reconnect.

  5. Is there a way to stop the client notification that says, this computer has unattended access enable?

  6. Some of the alerts don’t have a unit of measure for the variable, ie ping test. (is it seconds, minutes, number of failed ping attempts,etc)

I look forward to using this product. I really like what I see so far. Also do you have any time line for when the web RMM would be released?

Network Alchemist

Hi networkalchemist,

It is great to hear that you liked the products. We are constantly working on it and improving it. It would be better everyday with your suggestions and feedback.

Answers to your items:

  1. It is a different agent enrollment right now. I will get a how to guide for this soon and share with you and everyone.
  2. You enter your user details when creating agents on Comodo ONE. It might be a bug to show those as empty. We are going to check this out.
  3. Yes, you would be able to manage the best protection suite for your endpoints, Comodo End-Point Security product on real time with RMM. Its main web management portal would be another module (Comodo Device Management). We are going to release this version in this week. So, will update you.

But you can definitely go and check to get more info right away.

  1. Please send a screen shot of the problem with details of which account, when and how the problem occurs in an email to We will investigate and let you know the resolution.
  2. We got this request as improvement point. We are going to improve this on future releases.
  3. Thank you, we are going to check this as well.
  4. Web RMM is also under development but we don’t have exact time frame yet.

Please let us know if you have further questions and feedback. We are happy to work with you.

Best regards,

Thanks for the fast reply!

When I think of anything else that I would like to see or have a problem with I will be sure to post. I am going to check on the AV solution you all have now and see if it will fit my needs.

As for the remote desktop error, I will take a screen shot next time it happens.

I look forward to testing the product out more, I am going to deploy it to a smaller client to test further. I will probably wait until you have the patch management guide up so I can do everything at once.

Network Alchemist

Great, please let us know as you use the product. Your feedback is much appreciated.