Quick Question and a Defect Found

Hello Everyone,

I found that when you delete a procedure and it is not sorted by ID it deletes a procedure that is not the one highlighted, but the one that should have been in that location if it was sorted by ID. (learned the hardway).

I created a procedure that sends and application to a folder on the C drive (that shows up correctly), but when I create the shell command to run the program it shows in RMM that it is running, but when I look at the machine, nothing happened.

Should I put this full path in the advanced tab (and it does require params) so would it be something like:
c: empfolder\myexecutable.exe \silent ?

or how should that be setup or inside of the basic tab?

Thanks for your help.

I also had this issue, it also opens wrong procedure, if you click the create from button…

As far as your question about the application to the drive, I also found that environmental variables are not supported either.


Yes I’ve also seen this issue with pocedure that is not sorted by ID

Hello @doveroh ,

The first issue that you have raised has been escalated and we will let you know as soon as the development team will fix it. Thank you for your feedback!

Regarding the second issue, you may create a procedure similar to this print screen (this procedure will start the process firefox.exe remotely). Basically, this procedure will start cmd.exe (not the command prompt window, but the process) and through /c switch will pass the ‘start’ command that will open the program (/d switch is for the file path). So for your program you should have something like:
<first line>: cmd.exe
<second line>: /c start /d "<file path to your program> <exe name>

Please let us know if this works.

if that app requires switches (such as /silent ) where would those switches go?

In my experience, the /silent switch is usually applied after the command, which would be after the command on the second line.

Hello @doveroh ,

All the switches will go on the second line. On the first line you should have only the process that is running the command (i.e. regedit.exe). If you want to run a Command Prompt command, don’t forget to add ‘/c’ at the beginning of the second line, like in:

/c <your command with parameters and switches>

/c is used to pass the string containing the command to cmd.exe.