Quickbooks Online Integration for time entries

Is there any plans for quickbooks integration of Service Desk for passing time entries through for billing?

Hello @scoplin_redrock ,

We have this feature on our roadmap and we will get back to you on email to keep you updated on the case.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Technically this should be covered once the integration of Comodo CRM is completed with QuickBooks.

Could you please explain a little bit more how do you see the workflow? what is the use case for this scenario?


Ilker, I’ve attached a document at https://forum.mspconsortium.com/forum/products/comodo-crm/5180-crm-invoices-and-time-from-service-desk that shows what I’m aiming for.

Hello @scoplin_redrock ,

Thank you for the clarification, we have updated the already escalated case with the new information|. We will get back to you by email as soon as we have any details regarding it!

Hello all,

we really like @scoplin_redrock idea and flow; but wondering if we could look at doing something like this with KashFlow from IRIS?


If it is not to much trouble, please describe what should we have in mind when you are referring to KashFlow from IRIS.

Thanks @StrobeTech it’s not a perfect system, but it’s worked for us so far.

Hi @Wyatt

sorry for late reply.

What I had in mind is the integration of billing of time / contracts into IRIS KashFlow which is an online accounting system similar to Zero and Sage One.
So maybe something like automated closing of tickets generated the invoice for time etc, or scheduled reports generated the monthly cost of contracts and outside contract time which was used to generate an invoice etc.

Hope this makes sense?


Thank you for the clarifications, it does help us start investigating if and how the integration can be made and what key features to follow.
We will return via -email to communicate the progress made with this request.

We are currently using FreshService for our Help Desk requirements and they have a mature integration with QuickBooks.

FreshService reads the employee and customer information from QuickBooks and matches this with corresponding company and user (support agent) records in FreshService.

Whenever a time entry is created or updated on a ticket, it is created or updated as a time entry in Quick Books. The Service list is read from quickbooks to record the type of work performed. This list of services is not stored in FreshService itself.

After the time entry has been included in an invoice in QuickBooks it cannot be edited in FreshService.

This all occurs in real time. There is no need to do manual timesheet approvals or close a ticket etc for the time records to flow into QuickBooks.

The integration seems quite robust - we rarely have discrepancies between the 2 systems. When such a discrepancy does occur all that is required to correct it is to edit and save the time entry in FreshService. It seems like a good way to implement the integration.