Quickly create or modify a registry key/value using ITSM parameters


Attached is a procedure script that will create or modify a registry key/value using ITSM parameters. This is useful in cases where you may need to quickly perform a one-time change of a registry key/value without having to edit or clone the procedure script itself.

How to use this procedure script:

  • To change registry values for the currently logged on user (HKCU or HKEY_CURRENT_USER), select Logged in user at run time.
  • For system-wide registry changes (HKLM or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), select LocalSystem User at run time.
  • Click the Configure Parameters button to set the key values:
    • Key: Path of the registry key which is holding the value you want to change (e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop).
    • Sub Key: Name of the individual entry you wish to change (e.g. MenuShowDelay).
    • Type: Select the value type (REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_QWORD, REG_BINARY, REG_NONE) - Select ONE value only!
    • Value: The value for the entry you wish to add or change (e.g. 100).
  • Click Apply and then run the procedure as needed, the results will be displayed in the Execution Log.
I hope someone finds this as useful as I do. Thanks and have a fantastic day. :)

20181018-Create-or-update-a-specified-registry-entry.json (3.06 KB)