Release Candidate of Comodo ONE - IT Operating Platform January Release (01/27/2018)

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases over Comodo ONE on Saturday (01/27/2018) morning. Platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours early Saturday. We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day. You can find detailed release notes in the attached document.

IT and Security Manager
New Features

  • Our first release of the New Year sees the addition of a feature which was frequently requested by our users. As Comodo Remote Control (CRC) admins, you asked for detailed activity reports from remote sessions. Specifically, which staff members initiated a session, which devices did they connect to, and for how long were they logged on? Well, we’re pleased to announce audit logs for CRC are now available in ITSM’s ‘Audit Logs’ section. Successful authentication and session attempt logs are also available in audit logs. We look forward to your feedback, so please leave any comments and suggestions in our online forum.
  • We also added advanced remote control options to Mac devices which were previously only available for Windows machines. Prior to this release, admins who wished to gain remote control of a Mac were given little choice but to ‘silently’ take control, without giving end-users the ability to refuse the connection. With the profile improvements in this release, admins can now send custom notifications to MAC users to ask for their permission. Four options are available:
      ○ Silent remote control – remote session is initiated without asking for permission (Unattended access)
      ○ Ask permission then allow after XX seconds – End user will be asked to accept the remote session. The session will start automatically if they do not reply within the specified time.
      ○ Ask permission then terminate after XX seconds – End user will be asked to accept the remote session. The session will be closed automatically if they do not reply within the specified time.
      o Do not allow remote control – No remote connections will be permitted to devices with this profile.
  • Android 7 is now officially supported by ITSM. You can now enroll and manage your Android 7 devices through ITSM. Android 8 support is also on the way - stay tuned for news!
  • Improved audit logging with enhancements to profile management and role-based access control settings. With this release, you will have better visibility over profile and role configuration updates that are performed by you or your staff. This provides a more comprehensive view of the historical changes to your settings and helps decrease the time you spend on trouble-shooting and root cause analysis.
  • Expanded our third-party application inventory with new applications. We are pleased to announce that we now support more than 300 applications with ITSM Patch Management.
  • Thanks to the advances in this sprint, we will be able to support even more applications going forward. iTunes is the first example of this trend and we are looking forward to supporting even more!
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug whereby colors on ITSM dashboard widgets were sometimes incorrectly displayed. As part of the fix, the latest version of the agent will be marked with a green indicator.
Comodo Client Security New Features
  • New feature which allows you to view statistics about the contained components of any process. You can analyze how containment protects you with statistics on registry, COM, IMA etc. both in containment and real-time.
  • We have analyzed and ensured that our product is compatible with latest Windows update which was needed to patch the Meltdown and Spectre bugs. CCS is capable of creating and setting the required registry key, so you can go ahead and install the critical Windows patch on your endpoints. We completed our tests on various architectures and found no issues that might lead to crashes or BSOD on patched devices.
  • CCS Diagnostic reports now include more information about the status of each connection. Better connection info about services such as Valkyrie, and LVS means you get greater visibility and control over your endpoints’ connectivity status.
  • Quarantined files with a malicious rating are now marked in the ‘File List’ in CCS. This gives you the option to filter them in the list and to jump straight to the quarantine section. This enhancement should accelerate your workflow when analyzing and handling quarantined files.
  • Improved quarantine actions based on user permissions. You will now be requested to provide admin privileges for file actions which require extra permissions. For example, if you try to restore a file from quarantine but the previous location of the file requires admin privileges to write, you will be asked to allow so the process can continue.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with the execution of containment baselining options.
  • Fixed incompatibilities with MS Outlook 2010 which caused problems for some users.
Service Desk New Features
  • New ticketing scheduling feature. For example, you could create schedules for onsite visits to a customer. We will continue to add new abilities to this feature in upcoming sprints.
  • Revamped calendar. New-style calendar lets you create appointments or schedule tickets more easily than ever before.
  • Added ‘Service Type’ to ticket details. Staff can now select the service type when posting a reply or note. This allows you to track time spent on a particular service with a customer. You will also be able to track the service from reports and threads on the tickets.
  • Ticket enhancement - changed the method of selecting users. Previously, staff creating a new ticket would need to select users from a pop-up window. We have changed this so users are now shown in a list the ticket itself. This will accelerate and simplify the ticket creation process.
  • Service Desk audit logs can now be viewed direct from the Comodo One portal. We also added logs for following actions:
      o Ticket actions. For example, when a new ticket is created or materials are added to a ticket.
      o Posting, processing and other update action on tickets from ticket details

C1 Portal
New Features

  • Added one more action to the list of actions captured in audit logs. We now store logs for following actions:
      o Audit logs for Login and Logout o Audit Logs for Account MSP/Enterprise Create o Audit Logs for Customer Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for Staff Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for Role Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for"change on "two Factor Auth Settings" o Audit Logs for"change on "Scheduled Report" o Audit Logs for new Module purchase on store and licence add on existing module to cWatch
  • All logs are stored in the Comodo One portal.
  • Service Desk logs can now also be viewed from the Comodo portal (in addition to C1 portal logs)
  • Predefined C1 roles are now editable. You can now configure the permissions of predefined roles. Previously, admins had to copy a predefined role then modify the permissions of the copy.
  • Improved Azure AD integration. Now you can now manually synchronize any time after a change. We also added the ability to view the synchronization status of each group, in addition to that of the account.
  • We have one more new features about Azure AD integration which come from January Release, during the syncronization you can see the status of syncronzation not only account but also each group.
  • Streamlined onboarding process. The account setup page now only requires applicants to choose ‘Business type’ and ‘Subdomain’ as mandatory fields.

Best Regards,
Comodo ONE Product Management Team

Comodo ONE - Release Notes Jan-2018-v1.pdf (533 KB)

Looks good, could you provide a list of applications that are now going to be supported with patch management? The current list im sure doesnt have everything on it.…lications.html

Could you also update the new client versions, they still appear to be showing the November release info.

APPENDIX-1 New Client Versions:
● Comodo Client - Communication (Windows) 6.13.9067.17110
● Comodo Client - Security (Windows) version
● Comodo Remote Control (Windows) version 6.13.8979.17110
● Comodo Remote Control (macOS) version 6.13.8980.17110

Looks good, but NB your document is showing © 2017 still.

Hi! Thanks for your advice.
The attached file drop an error when accesing

Same for me. Invalid file

Still no localized versions of the Service Desk?

Same as everyone else “Invalid File Specified” when opening the link or clicking on the file image.

I was able to see the PDF file, maybe try to right-click and save link as…?

That worked, thanks Maggotses

You are welcome!

I had to log into the forum, and then it allowed me to download the release notes.

Correction: I had to log in and then right-click & save link as.

Hello @serinformatica @Taspharel @phil.tukey

As you have already figured out, you should login to forum to download attachments. Thanks @Maggotses @ShieldEdge @sgaits for stepping in. :slight_smile:

Coming back to release notes; how did you find the new features? We would very much appreciate your feedback.


Hi @ahmetenes

About my question on the localized version of the helpdesk? We are actually evaluating C1 but the self service portal and helpdesk interface being English only is a show stopper for us.

I read on the forums that it was planned to be released Q4 2017… Do you have any news?



Hello @Maggotses,

I am Ayhan from Service Desk. I totally understand your concern.We are currently planning localization in Comodo ONE. Support team will be informing you with the updates of this.


From our perspective as MSPs, with hundreds of endpoints using CCC and CCS, this has been the most stable monthly update ever so far. We don’t yet use the procedures or Service Desk modules yet. Well done Comodo.

It really means a lot to hear that from you, thank you.
You have hundreds of hard working engineers who have been working their back sides off to give you an amazing product. Its so nice to hear that from you. This will make us work even harder knowing that our good work is being appreciated.

Thank you!

Let’s hope I can post something similar after the March release :slight_smile:
