Release Candidate of Comodo ONE - IT Operating Platform September Release(09/16/2017)

Hi everyone,

We deployed the major components of September release candidate to demo environment. You can start testing the new features on there.

There will be daily updates on the environment. So, please expect some minor changes and connection issues during the week.

Here are the targeted release notes:
IT and Security Manager
New Features

  • Now admins can limit the staffs access to certain companies! A new section “Access Scope” is added under ITSM->Users->Role Management->Role page to enable& disable access to each company. With this option admin can dedicate a staff to see only limited companies and not the other ones.
  • Added validation to ITSM portal for keeping at least one default profile for each operating system. Before admins could deselect all default profiles so that new devices were being enrolled without a profile; which is making the device management nonfunctional. Now we have set the system to keep the last profile as default mandatorily so that devise would always have a profile.
  • Antivirus logging is enabled by default for OSX Profile. AV logs will be automatically reflected to ITSM and also end user can see the details about infections on the endpoint.
  • Device management permissions are improved to cover actions like “Run Procedure”, “Manage Profile”, “Delete Device”; admins would be able to prevent the staff from taking these actions based on roles.
C1Portal New Features
  • Now you can also find and purchase more Dome modules in our store! Dome modules of Dome Cloud Firewall, Dome Data Loss Prevention and Dome Antispam can be purchased from Store. Dome Firewall On-Prem item is also available in store for you and can be purchased. It will be available for C1 Enterprise Portal.
  • We changed Dome Firewall name to Dome Cloud Firewall and made it available for both C1 Enterprise and C1 MSP.
  • Acronis module accessibility issue is fixed.
  • Dome section widget issue is fixed. Page is loading successfully without any missing part.
Service Desk New Features:
  • We are continuing to improve our reports options. Scheduled Ticket Report type is made optional and you can export your ticket details reports pdf and csv as well.
  • Department, SLA Plan and Priority of the ticket are made editable. Now you can change Department, SLA Plan and Priority section on the ticket details whenever you want.
  • We improved extremely useful feature for you. You can add open-text email addresses to the CC field for post-reply emails in addition to contributors.
  • Now you can add more than one email addresses based on organizations and it can be configured as an outgoing email address on replies. You can choose and pair default and available email addresses for each organization to send replies to.
  • Parent-child related lists are available for custom columns. You can make your own list and then connect them to each other to represent related lists.
  • User Lists view columns are made editable. You can customize columns for User Directory page.
  • When a new ticket created through ITSM, User will be automatically created as well to represent right user on Service Desk. Email address will be shown as name for that user.
Best Regards, Comodo ONE Product Management

Thanks for the info, when will the next version get pushed to live?

Hi @Joners ,

As per our C1 Program - 2017Q4 Release Master Schedule Plan, the next version release is on October 21, 2017.

thanks! - Just like to get things in the diary.

@ElifAyhan @Jordan_C The release date in the title of this topic is Sept 16, but above you refer to Oct 21. Please could you clarify.

Hi @nct
The ‘Oct 21’ date that @Jordan_C mentioned is a reply to @Joners question. Wherein the former interpreted the latter’s question as ‘After this one, when will be the next monthly release?’

Yup, sorry for any confusion caused. I like to diary when the releases should be happening to ensure that we have adequate support available for any issues encountered.

Love the positivity about up coming updates :slight_smile: :wink:

lol, yup, i like to drop an email out to management giving them advance notice of system maintenance, almost makes it look like i know what im doing. That and i cancel cancel the tier 1 helpdesk staff’s holiday.

Can you tell us what is up and coming for the next release?

@phil.tukey ,

So far we haven’t completed the draft of the next release. However, we will provide a heads up update via support ticket with the Feature Functionality Requests and the same manner as posted on this thread.