Release Candidate of Comodo ONE & ITarian Operation Platform for September 2019-09-07

I also see there has been no real changes to reports. when can we expect these?

I’m a little disappointed in the SNMP monitoring. It only has Device Offline and Online monitoring. I could already do this using a ping monitor. More disappointing is the amount of information returned by SNMP is quite lackluster to say the least. It only returns the IP, MAC and potentially the name and type of device. For example, I have 2 HP switches, same model, configured the same (except for IP and name of course). The SNMP scan picks up the name for one but not the other. It does see them as type switch at least. All other network scan tools (free ones I should add) pick up the devices perfectly, along with name, serial number, model number, number of ports, port status, firmware version and more. Same with printers, picking up toner levels, print usage…etc. I have to assume there is little to no OID’s used for the scans.

While I’m glad to see progress on SNMP, I was hoping it would start being useful. Is it still on the roadmap to add ability for SNMP to actually retrieve useful information about the device?

Hello @Marveltec,

We appreciate your feedback on the reports and we know that this is one of the important parts that you may relay or show to your clients.

May we request to share the aspects that you want to see on the reports for our developers to work on it and have it available in the future release.

Thank you

Hello @eztech,

We appreciate your feedback on the SNMP monitoring and rest assure that this new feature will improve. We would like to request as well the information that you would like to retrieve for our developers to review and focus on those aspects.

Thank you

eztech, can you please list everything you would like to see in the SNMP so that our devs can jump on it asap!

Hi, thank you for your feedback! We are looking forward to listen to your comments and expectations. Please share what you would like to see about this feature so that we can start to work on it!

Thank you

Hi Melih,

I will outline some examples of the type of information most SNMP solutions gather from specific devices along with some examples of monitors that could be used with that information. I’ll add in some “wish list” features that would match or exceed those of other products but I wouldn’t consider core. The devices outlined below I consider the most important, but not 100% all inclusive as to all network devices. Some features I note may use more than SNMP such as SSH, but are commonly supported in products that monitor and inventory network devices.

Network Switches, Routers, Firewalls

  • IP, MAC, Hostname
  • Device Manufacturer and Model
  • Device description, contact, location (if set on device)
  • Firmware version
  • Serial Number
  • Network interfaces/ports (interface name/type, speed, statistics)
  • VLANs, IP Subnets, static and dynamic routes
  • Uptime
  • Status
  • Example Monitors:
    • Device Availability
    • Device status (error, warning..etc) - Will be specific to model and what info it provides via SNMP
    • Port status (up, down, error..etc)
    • Network condition (bandwidth threshold, loop detection..etc)
  • Wish list features:
    • Warranty detection
    • Port mapping (detects what device is mapped to each port) - I cannot emphasize enough how useful this feature is, if you do anything do this!
    • Automated network diagram (based off of port mapping information for example) - Similar to the product "Auvik".
    • Backup/push device configuration (likely via SSH or SFTP) - Also another feature of the product "Auvik".
    • Firmware update management
Printers, Fax, Scanners/MFP
  • IP, MAC, Hostname
  • Device Manufacturer and Model
  • Device description, contact, location (if set on device)
  • Firmware version
  • Serial Number
  • Network interfaces/ports (interface name/type, speed, statistics)
  • Uptime
  • Status
  • Toner levels
  • Pages printed
  • Example Monitors:
    • Device Availability
    • Device Status (error, warning..etc)
    • Printer errors (fuser error, paper jam...etc)
    • Toner level status (alert at specific threshold)
    • Printed/Scanned pages threshold
  • Wish list features:
    • Warranty Detection
    • Backup/push device configuration (likely via SSH or SFTP)
    • Firmware update management
  • IP, MAC, Hostname
  • Device Manufacturer and Model
  • Device description, contact, location (if set on device)
  • Firmware version
  • Serial Number
  • Network interfaces/ports (interface name/type, speed, statistics)
  • Uptime
  • Status
  • Storage configuration (RAID type, HDD/SDD hardware informatio)
  • Storage levels (total space, used space, partitions, file system..etc)
  • Example Monitors:
    • Device Availability
    • Device status (error, warning..etc)
    • Storage hardware status (HDD/SSD hardware failure/warning, controller failure/warning)
    • Storage space status (alert at space threshold, similar to desktop drive space monitoring)
  • Wish list features:
    • Warranty detection
    • Backup/push device configuration (likely via SSH or SFTP)
    • Firmware update management
    • File share/volume inventory
Wireless Devices (AP, Wifi controller, point-to-point)
  • IP, MAC, Hostname
  • Device Manufacturer and Model
  • Device description, contact, location (if set on device)
  • Firmware version
  • Serial Number
  • Network interfaces/ports (interface name/type, speed, statistics)
  • Uptime
  • Status
  • Wireless networks (ssid/name, IP subnets, vlans, encryption type, frequency..etc)
  • Example Monitors:
    • Device Availability
    • Device status (error, warning..etc)
    • Wireless network status (up, down..etc)
    • Connected device threshold (alert if number of devices connected exceeds a certain amount for example)
  • Wish list features:
    • Warranty detection
    • Backup/push device configuration (likely via SSH or SFTP)
    • Firmware update management
    • Rogue network/device detection
Other Possible Device Types
  • VOIP Phone systems
  • Security Camera systems (network cameras, network DVR..etc)
  • IoT Devices
  • Network KVM's
  • And many more I'm sure i'm not listing

A good network monitoring solution I believe should be able to detect the most common devices, inventory the most important information about them, and then allow alerting based off of that information. In some cases, more than SNMP is needed but it still can gather the majority of information.

Products to consider investigating for ideas (or potentially integrate with)

I hope that is helpful. Sorry if there is alot of redundant info listed, but I wanted to be as specific as reasonably possible. I’m sure I still left out alot and maybe others can fill in the gaps or make other recommendations.


See my quoted reply to Melih above and I also responded to your message via email. Thanks!

Hi @eztech ,

Your detailed feedback is highly appreciated, thank you very much for the time you put on providing this input. To give some insight about the progress here: we have had a long discussion with the team yesterday, and we reviewed the next steps for SNMP functionality. Most of them were already defined and put on the roadmap and we have an extensive list of functionality but I see your input would contribute much to the list we have, we were missing some of the critical items. We’re actively working on them.

We’re expecting to bring this feature to a usable level quickly, and we’ll keep close communication with you and other other users who are interested with this feature.

Thanks again for the feedback.

This is fantastic news to hear that this functionality is on the “fast track” so to speak. It can be a game changer for this platform. I’m glad that was of use. I look forward to the next versions!

Hello @eztech

Thank you so much for your feedback, it is very valuable for us.

We will try to deliver them as quick as possible.

Best regards,