Remote Access via iPhone

Is there anyway to access client computers with an iPhone using Comodo’s Remote Desktop implementation? I don’t need it very often but client access via a phone has been helpful in the past using Log Me In from my iPhone.

That would be a useful feature

Hello @Velvis

Unfortunately no, because you need RMM Administration Console and the console can be installed only on Windows client family and Windows Server family

Is remote access going to support other platforms in the future like Mac and Linux computers? I don’t mind the system I use being windows just would like to remote into others

Hello @dougaust

We have forwarded your request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

I would also like to be able to remote into my endpoints from my phone.

A great tool for remote control for MAC and PC’s is . It’s $89 per tech, per year unlimited. Comodo RMM is okay for quick fix, but if you will be working for hours on end and need a better “picture” its well worth the money. There is a free version good for a couple of machines I think, and they will give you a 30 day free trial unlimited access. also has a Macphone app if your in a pinch and need a quick remote.

Hello @BOSS ,

We are working on providing the ability to takeover an endpoint directly from the ITSM dashboard and this way an administrator will be able to remote into an endpoint from any device that can load the ITSM page. This feature is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on December 30th 2016.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

Hello @dougaust ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q4.
We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

That is great, that will be really useful for supporting a much wider range of devices. Thanks for all the great work

I am new to the MSP market and I like the Mobile first Technologies, It would be great to have Mobile RMM

Hello @rvargas12 ,

Thank you for the feedback. We have contacted you by email regarding it and will keep you posted!

I would most definitely like to see a mobile RMM App!

Hello @izzyforeal

Thank you for your feedback. We will provide the Feature Request to the team.

Hi all,

Please check out our Comodo ONE Mobile app. We will improve its functionality but please let us know how you like it and what else do you guys need next…
