Remote Tools - Command Line Interface

A nice addition to the Remote Tools would be the ability to run real-time commands, similar to a Windows cmd prompt and/or Windows Powershell.

Thank you for the suggestion @dhaysley. The ability to execute real-time commands through the Remote Control app (formerly CRC) is already included in the product roadmap’s long-term implementation timeline. We will loop you in to the corresponding feature request ticket so that we can update you of any important updates from the product development team.

I think OP is referring to the “Remote Tools (beta)” section of the Endpoint Manager. Every other RMM offers a CMD (and all are moving towards offering Powershell) within the RMM itself and not requiring a connection using the Remote Control app. This is a very commonly used feature on other RMM platforms and I agree with OP’s suggestion.

Yes, you are right @obsidianit. Such function can be implemented on both interface (Endpoint Manager and Remote Control by ITarian) though so that if a technician is already working on the remote control app, he/she can easily perform command-line actions within the same interface/window. The feature request covers both.

I agree that both are needed and cannot wait for such a killer feature to be added to the platform.