I can upload the File.ink successfully to the remote PC. But after it is uploaded. I see the file extension changed to: File.lnk.hS3284
If I refresh the page, the file disappears.
If I click the file before refreshing; I would get this error message:
(I removed the real username, changed to a sample username)
{“error”:“could not send upload push: token: ‘4deb358811c7bf322d4b73ad8226f086657afe76’, file: ‘C:\Users\sample.user\Desktop\Files.lnk.hS3284’, details 2 https://rtdc-relay-07.cmdm.comodo.com/api/v1/upload?file=QzpcVXNlcnNcbGluZGEuZ3JpZ2VyZWtcRGVza3RvcFxSQURBUiAtIERJU0MgQm9vayBhbmQgRElTQyBGaWxlcy5sbmsuaFMzMjg0\u0026token=4deb358811c7bf322d4b73ad8226f086657afe76 request to fails with status code 400 that contains in response: Error opening file ‘C:\Users\sample.user\\Desktop\Files.lnk.hS3284’ for reading: No such file or directory (5), {“code”:5,“error”:“Error opening file ‘C:\\Users\\sample.user\\Desktop\\Files.lnk.hS3284’ for reading: No such file or directory (5)”,“type”:1007}”}