Remove Default Companies & new homepage

I know I have asked this before BUT, this needs to be addressed, I have just created a fresh portal, I have added 1 customer and I have 3 entry’s in ITSM.

the Company I want, a Default Company and mine, I only want the company I created. it just looks messy and takes up space.
under the company I want I also have a Default Group, please either DONT create this or give us the ability to rename.

these should be very easy changes to make ??

On the home page LOVE the new colours, graphics and lay out :slight_smile:

Hi @dittoit, we appreciate your mention of the homepage. Our product management team is aware of your request and is working to prioritize it with the others received. We have checked that you are already on the list of person to be updated regarding this request and we will provide its timeline once it is prioritized on the roadmap for a delivery.