

I there anyway that I can produce a report for each customer that gives an overview of the patch status of the devices? It would be good to be able to run this once a month and email to clients?



Hello @dbettens ,

The feature you’re looking for is still under development. We’ll get back to you the soonest once a definite roadmap timeline is made available. Thank you.

We have been using Comodo One / Itarian from the start around 2015. Reporting is still a weak point. Any definite plans to improve the situation?
Today I wanted to find all the devices for a client with a particular version of an operating system installed. I cannot find a report or an alternative method to complete this task. In my opinion the reporting needs to improve.
I agree also with @dbettens reporting request.

Hi @mhberglund ,

Good day!
Our developers are still working for ways on how to improve the reporting feature based on our users needs.
Rest assured, improvements are on their way. We’ll get back to you the soonest once a roadmap timeline is made available.