Reports Missing Data

When running a report for all tickets closed within a weeks period, it misses all tickets that were opened the previous week.

Case example:

I have a report running every Tuesday @ 0900 to list all closed tickets within the previous week.

If running today on the 11th it will only catch tickets in a closed state that were in fact opened within the same window. It will not catch closed tickets raised prior to the 4th. We want to track billable time across these tickets but will miss it in these circumstances.

is there a way to report on ANY tickets (regardless of opening time) that transfer to a closed state over the past 7 days?

Hi @itsp ,

Thank you for reporting this case. As of now this feature is not yet available on portal. The ability to report on any tickets (regardless of opening time) is one of the top priority items that our Developers are working on. This feature will be available in short term (3 to 6 months) and we will contact you through email as soon as this timeline becomes more accurate.

Quite upset that this isnt the default behaviour for closed tickets. I dont see the benefit of reporting on closed tickets but not including tickets raised in that time frame. Are there any workarounds so we can get accurate reporting for the time being?

Hello @itsp,

Good day.

Upon further analyzing the given scenario, our product developers informed us that this will be a new feature/improvement for the Service Desk. The team is already working to make this available on the platform and additional update will be shared via this forum page and related support ticket. Thank you