Restart Comodo Remote Control agent on clients

Not sure what service that runs on the client handles the Comodo Remote Control, but after getting that “unable to connect, not connected to XMPP” error (or similar) I find if I reboot the remote endpoint through ITSM I can later connect to it after it’s rebooted. So probably it’s just a comodo service that needs to be restarted. Ideally Comodo just fixes whatever bug causes this (there are other post, both mine and someone else with replies from others who are having this problem) but until that happens, could we have a script that would restart the applicable services on the client end?

Hi @indieserve

I need your help regarding this script : ). I will analyze and share services details with commands in private message.

let me know your feedback on which one helped you to resolve the issue.


Instead for rebooting to fix Comodo Remote Control issue,
could you execute below command one by one for fix ? I want you to restart ITSM service.

Note: Execute below command in the endpoint with administrator privilege

net stop ITSMService

net start ITSMService


Hi Kannan,

Yes, that fixed the problem. My testing procedure was as follows:

Logged into the server by VPN+RDP, opened an admin level command prompt.

Tried to connect also via Comodo Remote Control in ITSM (the CCV viewer not the old RMM one) – got the XMPP error.

net stop/start itsmserver as suggested on the server via my RDP session.

Almost immediately after (the next attempt CCV made to reconnect) it connected successfully (no XMPP error).


Hi Mark @indieserve ,

Cheers !

Please try below procedure. Again you won’t get any execution log as ITSM discontinued for few seconds.

Let me know your feedback.

20170504-Fix-comodo-remote-control-connection.json (1.51 KB)

Excellent! Found a broken machine that wouldn’t connect with the XMPP error, ran your script, and then was able to remote in a minute later. Nice work, thanks!

Great news! :slight_smile:


Ok thanks for feedback and suggestions…will try on next endpoint having CCV issues.

Update on this issue…Setup a new Windows 10 Pro Desktop PC at customer site, enrolled endpoint in ITSM MSP. New Endpoint shows up on MSP Console. Attempt to connect using CCV but fails…connect to endpoint using RDP…net stop net start ITSMService…try CCV again…fails. Reboot endpoint, try CCV…fails again. Install Bomgar Remote Support Agent on same endpoint and able to connect from Bomgar Rep console. Go back and try CCV again and this time connects. I have now see this happen on multiple endpoints at different customer sites.

Hi @cmadeiros

Thank you for your patience. Our support team will get in touch with you shortly.


Yeah, I’m having the same issues again with the unable to connect to XMPP thing. Started as far as I know today (yesterday late afternoon eastern time ITSM was getting sluggish and started getting a bunch of Interal Server Error 500’s intermittently, so maybe the ‘disconnect’ started then, I’m just guessing)… I’ve got a bunch of machines that show as online but I can’t get into them. I try running the script to fix the issue, and I don’t even get a log entry, no procedures seem to run. Additionally, I’ve seen a few machines that I’ve tried to patch in ITSM today a couple times and then later tonight I see they still show updates, so I log in and manually run Windows update which then applies them. So something is funky. At least it’s reporting that they are unpatched (unlesss this is the same problem as before with patching where it just isn’t updating the status or communicating properly between ITSM and the endpoint and I actually have unpatched endpoints and just don’t know again, though it seems like it had been working earlier in the week and some machines successfully patched today. Weird and worrisome. edit: a couple I needed to get to I was able to use my Splashtop account as I had agents installed on those machines, the others I could RDP to from that machine because they were servers. Rebooting them after applying the updates fixed the remote control issue (I figured it would). Need some kind of watchdog routine in the client maybe.

Hi @indieserve

Management regrets the inconvenience!. Our support team will reach out to you shortly.


Glitches are to be expected. I think half of the ones I was having with service desk were just me not clearly understanding how it all works, (PEBKAC, lol) so I’m hesitant to raise issues now haha.

HI @indieserve

We will publish more wiki topics for the service desk module soon. Please feel free to ask your questions in the forum and get them clarified.
