RMM Generated Ticket - All have same Organization

All auto-gen tickets are coming in under same organization. Any idea why? Have 5 auto’s all with different organization nodes but all have one organization as the assigned company field in each ticket.

Hi @azon2111

RMM will generate ticket as per device company status.

If you enroll devices under the same company, then you will get alert tickets for that company only.

Please refer screenshot

Come on man, I know you are trying to be helpful but please assume better of me. There are ALL in different companies. Tickets are still coming in assigned to another EVEN states the org name that it belongs to in the ticket details. I promise I wouldn’t waste your time that way. Many companies but all tickets under a single company. I am sure this has to do with the brokeness of the emails missing in SD from creating companies in C1 portal

I believe this is all stemming from my other post about SD and missing user accounts and how it all ties together.

Hi @azon2111

Sorry for the inconvenience .

I consider this as bug and forward the details to internal team.

I will approach you with updated status.


Hi @azon2111

we have this planned as an improvement and it is planned to be delivered on 25.02.2017


Mine also does this.

Can we confirm this is still set to be resolved on the 25th?

Hi @azon2111

Yes, improvement task has been completed. it will be released on the 25th.


Hi @azon2111

Reported issue fixed with new release in C1 products. Let us know your feedback.
