RMM Initial feedback


Been playing with the RMM and patch portion tonight.

Here is some feedback on the RMM Portion.

  1. Why do I need to download a application to use the Console but Patch is on the ONE Portal? This needs to be streamlined, and also 1 login for using this.
  2. I setup a procedure to run a reg clean, It took over 20 minutes and never changed from “Starting”
  3. Adding new devices is cumbersome and slow.
  4. Can we use the same link in the email for more then one device?
  5. Need an auto discover agent for rolling out to customers networks.
  6. Interface is clunky and doesnt match the other products.
  7. Remove the unattended access portion for the message
  8. Could not get Remote Desktop Session to work.
  9. RMM console creation of companies doesnt sync back to Comodo One in a timely manner if at all
  10. What is the point of the Comodo ONE portal if it is only going to link to another login panel?
  11. Be able to submit tickets from RMM icon to the service desk
  12. Is there network/device monitoring? If there is where is it?


Thanks for the feedback.

  1. We are going to move the RMM to browser as well, this is one of the top requested features.
  2. I believe, I replied this on another topic.
  3. We are working on different methods, but we welcome any suggestions.
  4. Not right now, but coming.
  5. Yes, we are going to work on this.
  6. We are working on different interface and designs. We are going to determine the best and follow that route together.
  7. This would be optional, Some one might need to show that (due to regulation or customer requests).
  8. Could you please provide more info about the problem?
  9. Right now, we are syncing Comodo ONE portal to other modules only but could be improved.
  10. It should be SSO and umbrella module, If you mean RMM login, it is a bug we need to address.
  11. Great input, we are going to work on it.
  12. Policies could be used to create monitoring policies. Then you can apply it to any device.
