File manager, autorun manager, services, etc…, etc…

Is planned all RMM functionality to ITSM? Now ITSM is almost non usable. Because no RMM functionality and 90% fails remote connections.

Hello @Sergey ,

I have forwarded your information request to the appropriate staff and we will reach back to you with updates as soon as possible.

Regarding the current ITSM RMM functionality, could you please provide us more details about the issues you are encountering ?

RMM’s takeover dont work. At all.

ITSM agent hase no:
-autostart management
-service mg.

  • registry mg.
  • files mg.
  • soft uninstall mg.
    … and many other. You can see all deployment modules at RMM’s takeover tasks.

Hello @Sergey ,

“RMM’s takeover dont work. At all.” are you referring to RMM Admin console or to Comodo Client Viewer ?

RMM Admin Console - Takeover dont work. Add device dont work, procedures list empty, add procedure dont work. Problem not at our side because at once day it stoped to operate at all our PCs at different OS at different inet-providers at different places.

Hello @Sergey ,

Please let us know the version of RMM Administration Console you have installed.
Have you tried reinstalling the RMM Console ?