RMM Only (No Endpoint Protection)

Hello all,

I am deploying C1 for a new client. They just renewed their Vipre AV subscription for a year, so I’m only interested in monitoring and remote control of my endpoints. When deploying, do I have to install the Security Agent or is the Communication agent all that is required? Do I remove the AV sections from my profiles that I will apply to these endpoints? Is there a deployment guide for RMM only (without endpoint security)?

Thanks in advance,

just push out the ITSM Agent, it wont matter if the AV, Firewall etc are in the profile as CCS isn’t installed on the endpoint.

but it wont hurt to remove then so its a little more tidy :slight_smile:

I would put the Free EDR on top to catch everything the other AV is missing.

What @dittoit stated is indeed correct, @ttsi .

When enrolling a device manually, you are only installing the Comodo Communication Client (CCC or ITSM client). Installing the Comodo Client Security (CCS) is optional especially if there is already an existing AV software on the endpoint. If you utilize the bulk installation method, adding the CCS client is also optional.

For the associated profile, you can remove or add sections as needed to cater to your end-users’ needs. Flexibility is one of the key features of the ITSM.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance or clarification. Thank you.

Hello @jptechnical
None of these Profile sections require a Premium/Managed license. It is when you go beyond the free 30-day period that you are obligated to get one if you choose to continue using the Comodo Client Security (CCS). (See attached screenshot from the C1 portal.)

The only licence requirement is when you install CCS. ITSM agents are free.

Totally agree with @dittoit

We have many profiles in our business allowing us to be flexible with a standard approach, so for instance we have a base set of profiles like: -
Win - Banding [Strobe IT] ----- As you can guess this puts our branding on CCC
Win - Workstation - AV Security ------- This is all AV settings
Win - Workstation - RMM ----- Contains all RMM monitoring for computers

Servers are a bit more complex as we have a base RMM profile and then RMM profiles for the roles you could have like Print Server etc

We find it simple to keep as much separate as possible as updating is easier, and you can limit what is monitored or logged per group or device.

I’m glad to hear this post is still helping people

What’s included in the Full MSM? Does this require CCS? Are some of the CCS features free? or CCS agent as a whole requires a paid license after the period of time?

I’m glad you asked as that is a valid point.
The MDM part of the Itarian is free, but the AV side it paid if memory serves.

I will double check this though as I’m not 100% sure if you can disable the AV or not on it.

Also, looking at my phone it does not show you an AV status or ability to scan.

Hi @miker1000,

@StrobeTech is right. CCS has no separate free feature. CCS as a whole is only free for 30 days upon installation.
Regarding mobile security management, it currently applies to Android profile. You can check the full guide of AV setting and its function from this link (https://community.itarian.com/help/topic-399-1-786-10195-Profiles-for-Android-Devices.html#av).
Mobile security is included when you install the mobile client for android and can be managed in Android profile from Endpoint manager.

Hi @GabrielHD, thanks for clarification on this.
I’m guessing that a feature later on once this is on iOS as well will be to enable or disable the AV allowing you to have this as free management or Inc AV and require a license.

For now I’m guessing it is free?

Hello @miker1000 and @StrobeTech ,

I am Ayhan, I am the product manager of Endpoint Manager. I wanted to inform you that we have AV functionalities embedded into our Android MDM client. However, this does not require additional Comodo Client Security on Android devices so we offer mobile security for Android devices as bundle with RMM functionalities as free.

All other comments are relevant. We do not charge for communication clients when they are installed. We offer 30 day trial for Security Client. After 30 days as shared we have 2 types of licenses that can be used for using Security Client.
