RMM Outage

Any other company having an outage with RMM? C1 Staff, status of things, my account?:frowning:

Totally down for us right now. ITSM works but cannot log into RMM, none of the staff can. BIG EMERGENCY for us.

Thank you!

I also have the same issue, trying to work like this can be difficult…


Thank you for letting us know! The issue is currently under investigation and we will get back to you as soon as we have an outcome on this case.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Okay thank you, do you all not have a monitoring tool for your services to let you know when there is trouble abound?

@azon2111 , we will get back to you once we have a resolution on this.

Also, RMM is up now, you should be able to log in to the console now. Please let us know if this is not the case.

I can now sign in again but constantly crashing when trying to remote desktop to any PC.

Hello @azon2111 ,

We will contact you over email to gather the logs that we need to troubleshoot this issue. Thank you for confirming that you the first issue is fixed.

I also have this problem, trying to remote in, crashes every time.

Hello @BOSS

We have escalated the reported issue and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconveniences this issue might have caused!

I think I got mine straightened out, I had an end point that was duplicating itself in the admin console. I removed everything associated with that computer, on both ends, then reinstalled. Seems to be OK now. I also had trouble getting the CES installed from the ITSM, but finally got it figured out also.

Hello @BOSS ,

Just to be clear, the RMM console is no longer crashing?

Mine was mitigated by time, it was definitely related to the service and not RMM itself.

I can not even log into the admin panel now, and when it said there was an issue logging in, it said there was an issue “whyle” trying to log in. Your word is misspelled.

Hello @BOSS ,

Thank you for reporting this. We are aware of this issue and we are already working on fixing it. I will also escalate the misspelled word issue to be fixed.

Thank you for your feedback!

Hello @BOSS ,

We have been informed that the problem that you have reported is now fixed and you should be able to log in to RMM Administration Console. Could you please check and confirm that?

Seems to be working now sir, thanks. The console ran an update after it launched.

Hello @azon2111 ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested (Section with RMM servers status) is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q1 2017.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!