Run procedures from SD

We can automate something with procedures. We can setup some stages at ticket.

Please make possible assign Procedure to ticket stage and put button “Execute” at ticket stage line.

Hello @Sergey

We will forward this as a Feature Request and we will advise further as soon as we can.

Hi @Sergey,

We are looking for better ways to make ITSM and SD work synchronized. Thanks for the feedback

Tell us which screen do you want to modify.
Please provide us “before” and “after” screenshots.
Before screenshot: how it is today on C1
After screenshot: how you want that user interface modified, (can be hand drawn on the screenshot)

this way we understand exactly how you want it to work and we can develop it for you quickly.

Here are some screens that I came up with. The idea I had was that the “Jobs” screen is split with the tickets on one side and the associated devices relating to that ticket are on the right which has a remote control and procedure button right there so you dont have to ever leave the “Jobs” page unless you need to add a new procedure. The are also extra ones further to the right to run a task on all the devices

Repeat here problem from practice - when 3-5 or more PCs in work at same time - we forget wich operation at wich PC going now and wich we should do next :slight_smile:

For resolve it - need tabs and Comodo viewer windows with ticket N and workflow info (current operation, what do next or button Proceed next stage)